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October 26, 2016

World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest 2016-2017

Create a short video – up to 60 seconds – about human population growth that highlights one of the following global challenges: Climate Change, Ocean Health, or Rapid Urbanization. All videos must include:
a) how population growth impacts the issue and
b) at least one idea for a sustainable solution.
Consider narrowing your focus by concentrating on a subtheme within your topic. Possible subthemes include:
  • Climate Change – weather events and patterns, impact on
    agriculture, impact on coastal cities, human health, ecosystem disruption
  • Ocean Health – overfishing, coral bleaching, climate regulation, habitat loss, pollution, dead zones
  • Rapid Urbanization – sprawl, sanitation, air and water quality, megacities, migration, slums and informal settlements
Deadline for submissions is February 23, 2017

(Text from 7Billion website). Know more of the contest mechanics and prizes by clicking the photo above.

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