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May 31, 2015

This Trip to Japan Can Be Yours!

Click the photo above to get the application form and guidelines.

1. On April 24, 2015, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the MANGA Award Executive Committee, Mr. Fumio Kishida, announced the opening of the Ninth International MANGA Award.

2. Submission of entries will be accepted from Monday, 27 April until Friday, 12 June 2015. Applications should be mailed either to the designated foreign mission or directly to the Committee. Addresses are as follows:

Japan Information and Culture Center
P.O. Box 414, Pasay Central Post Office
Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City
1300 Philippines

The Ninth International MANGA Award Executive Committee
P.O.Box MBE 335
MOF Kandaiwamoto-cho Building 1F, Iwamoto-cho 3-8-16 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032, JAPAN

3. The International MANGA Award was established in May 2007 upon the initiative of then-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Taro Aso with the aim of awarding MANGA creators who contribute to the spread of MANGA culture overseas and international cultural exchange through MANGA. The award has been held every year since its establishment.

4. The best MANGA among the submitted works will be awarded the Gold Award. The next three best MANGA shall receive the Silver Award. Recipients will be invited to Japan by the Japan Foundation to attend the award ceremony. During the stay in Japan, they will also exchange opinions with Japanese MANGA creators, make an excursion and visit publishing companies and other places.

5. Only works produced within 2012 and 2015 will be accepted, and TWO (2) COPIES must be submitted.

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