again we’re in celebration of the day when crucial steps towards gender equality were made. this year international women's day marks 100 years since it’s first March 19, 1911 in austria, denmark, germany and switzerland. the decision t
...o observe this day happened in 1910 at the second international conference of working women held in copenhagen where it was proposed that every year in every country to celebrate and to press for various demands made by women. being a feminist, i’d would always mark the day by sharing titles from my archives which might give you answers to some perinnial questions about gender equality. happy reading and happy women’s day!
ain't i a woman- the book is about intersectionality and the manner racism and sexism correlates and interacts. the book was written from a more scholarly and historical perspective.
singled out - talks about the lives of women during world war 2 and n deals with the generation of unmarried women that followed world war 1.
singled out - talks about the lives of women during world war 2 and n deals with the generation of unmarried women that followed world war 1.